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Beginning Sunday, August 21st, there will be a change in how we gather for Holy Communion.  

You will be invited by the ushers to come to the center aisle, where you will meet a sister or brother from the opposite side and proceed in a pair forward toward the altar. If you are on the right, you will take a cup and move to the far-right side of the altar rail; if you are on the left, you will take a cup and move to the far-left side of the altar rail, with those behind filling in towards the center. 

Once the rail is full, Pastor Daniel will serve the bread and all will take the bread together; then the lector will serve the wine, and all will take the cup together.  Once all have communed, the persons in the center will leave the rail, followed by those on each side and everyone will return to their seats via the outside aisles, depositing their empty communion cups in baskets that will be available.

Photo by Nico Smit on Unsplash